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Intellectual Property Management
Intellectual Property Management Strategy
The strategy integrates business objectives with R&D resources in an effort to strengthen the competitive advantage and to protect the R&D achievements, the strategy establishes the operating model by utilizing the intellectual property to create the Company’s value, by doing so, not only protects the operational autonomy but also drives the profitability.
Each business group drafts product and technology developments in line with the operational goals, to apply the patents base on the different products, technology and geographic/categories, to examine the proprietary technology and patent claims that are in the progress and to timely apply patents according to the patent systems and claim for priority of different countries to strengthen the overall patent arrangements.
Unable to get granted or hold the specific technology or patent licensing could result in the intellectual property infringement and infringement litigation which could contribute to:
1.Discontinue manufacture, sale and use of a specific technology.
2.Benefit the competitors from infringing and will have an impact on the Company revenue.
In view of this the Company will take necessary measures to mitigate the shareholders’ equity loss which affected by the intellectual property infringement litigation. Those measures include:To obtain the necessary patent licensing from other companies strategically, to take defensive and aggression steps to protect the intellectual property of the technology and business in a timely manner and to defense aggressively the excessive intellectual property litigations.
Patent/Trademark Management
The inventor submits for examination and will be approved once meets the patent/trademark requirements, followed by the application submission in other countries via a patent/trademark agent in an effort to improve the quality and commercialization which will strengthen the patent/trademark operation and product protection.
The legal department undertakes the patent/trademark application and management to protect the technology development and the building of the intellectual property portfolio.
The Achievements of the Intellectual Property
Patent: Of the 21 patents granted, 18 are international and 2 are domestic by 2024.
Trademark: Of the 14 trademarks registered, 8 are international and 6 are domestic by 2024.
2023 Implementation
- To conduct patent/trademark intellectual property review periodically in October 2022.
- Establishment of Intellectual Property Rights Management Methods for Compliance.
- To report to the Board of Directors on November 11, 2022.
- To report to the Board of Directors on November 10, 2023.
- To report to the Board of Directors on November 13, 2024.